Sunday, November 18, 2012

Found a Unicorn product!! Maybelline Forest Green eyeliner!


Don't you just love it when you find a product that you thought was a 'never to be found', or a total missed out thing?

I do! *happy dance*

Rooting around the discount bin at my local HEB, I spy with my big brown eyes I spied the elusive Forest Green eyeliner a few days ago.  And to make it even sweeter, marked down!

I remember when this product was launched back in the Fall of 2011, and could never ever find it.  I was able to pick up the fantab Ravishing Rouge blush (love! but use a very light hand) and a nail polish (still sitting in my untried, don't ask, we don't talk about the untried, because I have many, MANY, MANY! LOL).

I know some may go "but eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww it is a year old".  Let me assure you, this is an virginal product, never to be opened by someone other than moi.

I haven't tried it yet, but already thinking of how I can use it.  And once I figure out how to upload a picture I will be happy to share!

Since I used "Unicorn Product" in the title, I guess I should explain what that means.  I am going to call products that I thought I would never find, Unicorn Products.  What a fun way to talk about an elusive product, a lemming, a want, a missed chance.  We all have them, we all have found a few, and we have all danced the dance of the found unicorn product.

So tell me gang, what unicorn products have you found lately?  Anything you are on the hunt for?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

So.. playing around and trying to figure out how I want my blog to look.  I could go a bazillion different ways with this.  Who knows what it will look like.  Or how many times I change it around.

As far as content, I am thinking my blog will reflect whatever catches my fancy.  Some dish about life, some dish about food, some dish about makeup (well okay A LOT about makeup).

I have always enjoyed posting on makeup blogs and forums.  It's fun to dish about something you love. From drugstore to department store, I am a fan of it all!!  Like really ALL!

I am excited about this.  What a fun way to branch out, force myself to become a better writer and dish about many different things.

Now, if I could just figure out what what I am doing.. then things should be okay.

Have a great day, and remember, only 2 more 'get ups' for the week!

Monday, November 12, 2012

So it has been forever and a day since I logged in.

Lots of life has happened.  Thankfully I am now 4 years cancer free!  YAY ME!  Kidney cancer can suck it!

It hasn't always been easy, took a serious toll on my body, but I am alive and well.

The strange thing about cancer is, it forces you to go through every single emotion, and then a few you didn't know you even had.

In some ways I have felt guilty, because I had what I call 'cancer lite'.  Strange I know, and I am thankful with every fiber of my being, that I didn't require more treatment, other than loosing my right kidney.  I know many other fantastic people have had a harder road than I.

So now onto the fun stuff!  I am a makeup lover, and love to dish about great products.  High end, to low end I love them all!

Trying to figure out how to get this blog up and running, and hopefully learn how to post pictures and such very soon.

Not an expert, just a girl who loves makeup.  And loves to dish about many different things.  Not sure exactly which direction this blog will go, but I can promise you, it will be filled with makeup dish, life stuff and funny things, as my life always seems to be an adventure!

Come along for the ride, lets see where this goes!  And learn together!

Have a fantastic day!
