Thursday, July 4, 2024

its the 4th of. July!! (The one where JoElla says happy birthday to My nation)

 It’s happy birthday to America today.

It’s appropriate that I am listening to Tobyy Keith’s “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue”

I  love this song!  It’s a major  kick ass we the greatest kind of  song. Are we the “greatest”?  I don’t  know.   What  I do know  is that a shadow government is  in  charge, and that is rather frightening.

But  that is a topic for another day….

if you look at our Country, you can see some great things, and you also can observe some horrible  things that need work on. But as a a woman,  I have complete freedom on some things, and government interference on others (shall  we talk about my body my choice?  Unless it comes to  the  clot shot…)

I look at it like this, we are a young nation, haven’t had  the normal growing pains that Europeans  have had.  We haven’t had change of leadership like they have.  Also how many times have dynasties have changed in China or Japan.  We are the new kids on the block, and are massively due some ass kicking bring us back to reality.  We have gotten way too  big for  our  britches, and need a good wallop upside the head.

Somehow politics have become a blood sport.  It’s “my side”  above all  others.  Does it  really mater, as long as my side  wins?

What  ever happened  to the  best of the Country?  What ever happened to the  “you work for me, the Everyman?  For the best for all?

Now The USA is turning away from decades old allies, and there is a huge  movement  of anti semitism, and pro Palestine  protests.  It seems like we have lost all civility towards  any type of humans. 

And if you believe in astrology, you know about the Pluto return for our nation’s birthday….  We will either fall, or either raise from the fire,  like the Phoenix.

Personally, I am rooting for the raising of the phoenix.

So peeps on the internet, be  safe, and help make this Country what you want it to be.