Monday, February 18, 2013

The Taste: Tuesday at 8|7c on ABC

I really didn't think I would like this show, I mean, it has been done a bazillion other times.  And I really couldn't imagine Anthony Bourdain being all network tv like.  Watching and loving him to bits on "No Reservations", loving the fact that his snark comes out in full force, and catching that ever elusive real smile from him, and learning about the places he travels.. Not to mention his really insightful "Beirut" show.  If you are fan, you can see why the 'network' would be hard to imagine..

And Nigella Lawson.  Love her show, love her ease with cooking.  I could see her working in this format.  But wondering if her personality would be allowed to shine. 

I wasn't too aware of the other chefs, but curious.

If you break the show down into parts, it is a rather interesting concept.  Pro chelfs, home cooks and hobbyist competing for a spot with the chefs.  All trying to land a spot on the chefs teams.

Sure, this could work, but often, "reality" shows somehow loose the goal they set out for.

So, trying to find something to watch on tv, and sadly seeing nothing worth watching, The Taste pops up on the menu.  Lacking anything else that sounded interesting, and mildy curious, I turn to ABC and watch.

Trying not to let my preconceived notion about this show, I found myself being more drawn in.  And after seeing "chef" after chef trying out, I started to really become interested in this.

Of course you have your run of the mill line up (the cocky one, the bitchy one, the whiney one, the under dog, ect..) you find that you are actually rooting for a few, and dare I say, hoping a few don't make it.

By the end of the show, I was actually shocked that I became kinda invested in a few people, and of course, utterly charmed by Anthony Bourdain.  I really like it when he shows his softer side, but you know with his team, a big ole "oh hell no!" meeting is coming.

The following week, it was me who said "hey lets watch The Taste!".. And wacthing the chefs try to cook in a more real time feeling format, than some of the Foodnetwork shows, is becoming rather addicting.

And yes, I will be watching again on Tuesdays at ABC 8/7cst.

Hey, at least it isn't one of those "Real Housewives" shows! *side eye at you Mom*