Saturday, April 6, 2024

OH MY GAWD!!! (The one where JoElla actually does have a stroke….)

 Yep,  I did end up having a stroke.

Thankfully, it was a “mini” stroke,  but holy hell in a hand basket I had a stroke.

It was crazy.  

Where I left the saga, was Saturday March 23rd.  Heck, I even went shopping at Target. (Because that is what one does) I had an MRI set for April 8th (umm what?!)  and then Sunday came…..

Keep in mind, I was cleared on Wednesday the. 20th, no active bran bleed or brain injury that a CT could see… And I just felt the need to try to explain what was happening to me.  

Welp, Sunday…

I remember waking up, and dropped the cat food again, and then try to make coffee.  I remember feeling like I was walking through jello.  I remember my legs felt so sluggish and heavy. And also feeling like I. Was on auto pilot.  I banged into the counter, and husband tried to get my attention.  He had me smile,  and I could feel it lopsided, he had me hold my arms out, and they were uneven..  and then bam!  The episode was over.  And I able to speak again, and feel ‘normal” again.  I was fine for the rest of the day.

I agreed to let my Mom babysit me on Tuesday.  Husband did not want  me by myself.  Ok, fine, I agree. But I did have  a hair appointment for Monday. (In my defense, I really needed one)

Wake up on Monday March 25th and had another episode, I could feel it this time.  And I actually said “oh no”  we  call 911 again.  A different Fire Crew but  the same EMT guys. The EMT guys notice that I was speaking a lot better. My blood pressure was up, but not crazy and it was my call  to go. 

Look, I usually lurrve being the  center  of attention, unless it is  for medical reasons.  I HAAAATTTE  making others worry about me.  And Husband called my  beloved Dr and he said go now.

So once again I ride in the back of the bambalance.  And instead of being put into an ER room asap, I get put into a big ole wheelchair and dumped into the  waiting room.  Husband figured it would be a bit before they let him see me, and was shocked to see me in the waiting room.

Finally get into a room, and thankfully the attending physician listened to us, and  agreed that waiting till April 8th was way too long  to wait for my MRI wanted to admit me as  a Nero patient. (yes please) and finally got into my room around 8  PM.

I’ll have to finish this adventure tomorrow, because I am getting tired, and I still get headaches.